Alpha Tau Delta: Nursing

Alpha Tau Delta: Nursing


The purposes of Alpha Tau Delta are as follows:

  • To further higher professional education standards for those in the nursing profession.
  • To inaugurate projects that strengthen the specific field of professional nursing.
  • To develop character and leadership; encourage high ethical standards of professional conduct in which members may develop sound professional philosophies.
  • To encourage excellence of individual performance and develop the highest possible scholastic attainments.
  • To organize the social life of its members as a contributing factor of their educational program and maintain an interfraternity spirit of cooperation.
  • To form a close bond of friendship, fellowship, mutual helpfulness and understanding among those in the nursing profession.

The members of the Fraternity shall be persons of good character and scholastic ability who are students or graduates of a National League of Nursing accredited baccalaureate or higher degree nursing program. Membership in Alpha Tau Delta shall be granted when eligibility requirements are met.  For more information on this organization, please contact the president and/or advisor listed below.

Contact Information

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