English Equestrian Club

English Equestrian Club


The purpose of the English Equestrian Team is to give moral, academic, and material support to its members; to promote the advancement of the equestrian sport; to establish and maintain friendly relations between equestrians and equestrian schools; and to further the development of positive equestrian sportsmanship.

Membership in this organization is open to all undergraduate students who have a sincere interest in horses and the equestrian sport and who meet minimum GPA requirements. No prior experience is necessary to join. Any member interested in becoming a full member must schedule a tryout with the coach/coaches and the captain/co-captain within their first week of membership. This tryout will place the rider in an appropriate riding level for intercollegiate horse shows as well as appropriate placement for lessons. For more information on this organization, please contact the Captain Emma Naugle at wrvcc@iup.edu

Contact Information

128 Elkin Hall
945 Oakland Ave.
Indiana, PA 15705
United States
Contact Email E: pyhdc@iup.edu