Interfraternity Council
The Interfraternity Council recognizes 8 Men's Social Fraternities at IUP:
Kappa Delta Rho Fraternity
Kappa Sigma Fraternity
Phi Delta Theta Fraternity
Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity
Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity
Sigma Chi Fraternity
Sigma Pi Fraternity
Theta Chi Fraternity
Our Purpose:
- Promote harmonious relations among the social fraternities of Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
- Provide and act as the representative central government of the separate men’s social fraternities.
- Promote interfraternity competition in athletics, scholarship, music, and any other competition that may be deemed advisable.
- Standardize, control, and regulate the recruitment and new member education activities of the men’s social fraternities.
- Sponsor social affairs.
- Cooperate with the university and campus organizations in matters of common interest.
- Act as the judicial body for fraternity violations of campus or council rules of other violations that impair the Greek community.
Contact Information
945 Oakland Avenue
IUP 128 Elkin Hall
Indiana, PA 15705
Contact Email E: https://chapterbuilder.com/groupform/?id=253&group=5b4bb1726c6fed6ad4f4c74832463cd8
Phone Number P: 724-357-2598