National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
For faster responses and more up-to-date information add us on our social media pages:
Instagram: naacpiup
Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings! The revolution will be intersectional and we will NOT be silenced. If you are interested in joining the campus movement for social justice, feel free to reach out to us!
To become a member, the cost is $10 per academic year. Click here: https://naacp.org. You will then receive a membership card at the address you put down, and will be eligible for NAACP discounts at any participating locations (such as museums and other historical sites). Please ensure you put the zip code of Indiana University of Pennsylvania when applying for membership.
Paid members are also allowed to be committee chairmen, attend trips/events for a lower or adjusted cost (mostly free), and vote during our elections.
This organization is now about being active and using our voice when things are unfair/unjust. Whether it is registering students to vote, doing protests and sit-ins, or marching in Indiana, or on campus, we fight for justice.
The rest is up to you. #PowerToThePeople, we will press for a change!
Our Board:
President - Alanah Jones
Vice President - Saniya Metcalf-Harris
Secretary - Jenelis Roman
Treasurer - Available
Advisor - Eisha Holliday
Co-Advisor- Bryant Pinder
Co-Advisor- Shawn Jones
Official Mission Statement:
The purpose and aims of the Indiana University of Pennsylvania chapter of the NAACP shall be to improve the political, educational, social, and economic status of minority groups; to eliminate racial prejudice; to keep the public aware of the adverse effects of racial discrimination; and to take all lawful action to secure its elimination, consistent with the efforts of the national organization and in conformity with the Articles of Incorporation of the association, its constitution, its by-laws and as directed by the national board of directors.
In addition, its objectives shall be to inform students of the problems affecting blacks and other minority groups; to advance the economic, educational, social, and political status of black people and other minority groups and their harmonious cooperation with other peoples; to stimulate an appreciation of the black man’s contribution to civilization, and to develop an intelligent and effective leadership that is active in serving a cause or belief. These objectives shall be pursued in accordance with the policies of the association within the framework of university regulations.
Disclaimer: Any person regularly enrolled as a student and who agrees to comply with the principles and policies of the association may become a member of the university chapter with the consent of the association’s board of directors. Membership in the university chapter shall include membership in the national association. For more information on this organization, please contact the president and/or advisor listed below.