Ubora Men Of IUP

Ubora Men Of IUP


The mission of UBORA Men of IUP, also known as UBORA, is to help "Black and Brown" male students enrolled at Indiana University of Pennsylvania to recognize their inherent worth and realize their full potential. We accomplish this through fellowship, mentorship, and service.

UBORA is a Swahili word that has many meanings. Some of the more popular translations are Excellence, Quality and Superiority. UBORA aims to affirm "Black and Brown" male students by reminding them of their high-quality and worth. UBORA wants to challenge and support "Black and Brown" male students to seek excellence in every aspect of their lives.

UBORA will accomplish its purpose/mission by promoting mental/emotional well-being, engaging in necessary discussion, and promoting community service. While UBORA is open to ALL male students enrolled at IUP, the priority of this organization is to build community and systems of support for male students identifying as African American/Black male or from other underrepresented racial/ethnic groups.

If you have any questions about UBORA Men of IUP, please do not hesitate to reach out to our President Mr. Malik Turner (xxgcc@iup.edu) or Campus Advisor Mr. Donovan Daniel (ddaniel@iup.edu).

Contact Information

945 Oakland Ave
Indiana, PA 15701
Contact Email E: uboramenofiup@gmail.com